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Monday, 28 May 2012

Havent posted in a while!/Trying something new

I know I havent posted in a week well its because I havent been able to sew in like a week!Is not so easy to put the elastic around the waist of the pants.So I took a brake with them and I will try to pick it up maybe tomorrow.

 I am also going to start making an apron for my four year old little sister (Naomi) !This will be my first apron so I hope it comes out right because she's really excited about it! She's also really girly so her favorite colors are pink and purple so I am doing pink and brown because I think it looks really nice to together and I she will love it.


Monday, 21 May 2012

Making progress!

As you can see I finished my seam ripping.And now they're starting to look like real pants! I still have to hem the bottoms and put elastic around the top(as you can see).


Friday, 18 May 2012

The messing up part

I guess you can't really sew something without messing up once or twice...in my case a billion times!
So I connected the pants and sewed them together and
 turned them inside out and this is how it came out! 

So I now have to use my little "Evil thing" to fix it

And start right in this U shaped area

Found camera

Okay,I found the camera it was in a place I wouldn't think to look,but I am just glad so now I can finally start making more post!

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Lost camera!

So,I wanted to be able to make more post in a week like I have several things I am just waiting to be post ,but right now I lost my camera so until I find it I cant give out any pictures :(.I have no clue of where it can be this is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!

That Evil Thing

To those out there that sew obviously know what a seam ripper is (you know that evil thing that you use to fix your mistakes with,that also makes your fabric weak).

When ever I use it  gets on my nerves! Trying to make sure I keep the fabric looking as nice as possible I get frustrated and start to sweat. That's a thing I've noticed about myself whenever I'm really frustrated about something such as not understanding a pattern, taking an important test, driving,  or seam ripping it seems to get very hot in the room and I start to sweat a lot. 

I suppose that seam rippers (I like to call it "that evil thing") come in handy for starting over because of a mistake. Unfortunately this is what I have been doing to these pajama pants.  Hey, who knows? By the time I'm done with all of my sewing I could be a profesional seam ripper!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

My purple pajama pants! W.I.P.

Since I have cut out the pattern and fabric I still haven't had the time to start sewing yet :( So hopefully I will be able to finish them (pajamas) sometime this week or next week.

Saturday, 5 May 2012


Well,I have not done a lot on the pajama pants yet Ive got all the cutting done,but have not yet sewed.I do plan to go on a family trip tomorrow,but I still hope to get a little sewing in.